CPG Documentation LLC: Technical Publications Translation Specialists



About CPG Documentation LLC:

CPG’s combination of full-service, in-house capabilities, and dedication to the highest level of customer service makes CPG the perfect partner. From technical writing and document translation to CAD conversions and desktop publishing: CPG can help.

Location: https://maps.google.com/?cid=6535135882796324461
YouTube: https://youtu.be/PF33TAYYP5I
G Site: https://sites.google.com/view/cpg-technical-documentation/home/language-translation/localization-translation
Twitter: https://twitter.com/llc_cpg/status/1304137414710091783

CPG has been in the technical publication industry for the last 65 years. We deal with all kinds of document issues, and even the most discriminating customers are pleased. Give us a call to find out how we can help you. CPG takes pride in delivering a full range of services for businesses with unique needs and requirements.

CPG has been in the technical publication industry for the last 65 years. We deal with all kinds of document issues, and even the most discriminating customers are pleased. Give us a call to find out how we can help you. CPG takes pride in delivering a full range of services for businesses with unique needs and requirements.

Our team approach efficiently uses their talents to save time, control costs, and ensure quality. We build your team from our staff of seasoned writers, artists, DTP specialists, translation managers, and proofreaders.

Our team approach efficiently uses their talents to save time, control costs, and ensure quality. We build your team from our staff of seasoned writers, artists, DTP specialists, translation managers, and proofreaders.

Our professional and versatile team members are equipped with the knowledge and background to provide high quality documentation services tailored to your specific needs. Over the years, we’ve worked with the entire spectrum of software packages, so there’s no project too big, too small, too simple, or too complex.

Our combination of full-service, in-house capabilities and dedication to the highest level of customer service makes CPG the perfect partner for your technical documentation needs. From technical writing and document translation, to CAD conversions, desktop publishing & website translation: CPG can help.

CPG is proud to provide you with the highest quality translation for each and every document. We use native translators with experience in the field, not machine translation technology, to ensure that your target audience receives a culturally-relevant and accurate product.

CPG is proud to provide you with the highest quality translation for each and every document. We use native translators with experience in the field, not machine translation technology, to ensure that your target audience receives a culturally-relevant and accurate product.



Document Production

If your business needs a new document or revisions to an existing/legacy document, CPG can help.

Language Translation

Technical Writing

Technical Illustration/CAD Files

Other Capabilities

CPG can offer solutions for other documentation issues, including:

Database publishing

CPG writers supplement the customer’s own efforts — we update/edit existing documents, add inserts in the customer’s own style, and write entire documents for new products, appropriate to the customer’s template.


• Build publications using data taken directly from your existing database files.

• Combine multiple files to create price lists and parts manuals.


• Proof customer-developed documentation to ensure consistency with formats, grammar, and punctuation.

Website Translation

• Translation of existing source documents into target language(s).

For more information:

All CPG Services:

Technical writing and editing

Have you ever seen a poorly-translated sign, menu, or sightseeing pamphlet while traveling abroad?

Language Translation

Desktop Publishing

Technical Illustrations / CAD Files

Database Publishing


Custom Work Available

Contact Us Today To Get Started!

CPG Documentation LLC
11817 W. Dixon Street
West Allis, WI 53214


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