
Showing posts from September, 2020

The Importance of Human Translation and Localization

  Computers might still beat us in chess, but the checkmate is ours when it comes to translation. Have you ever seen a poorly-translated sign menu, or sightseeing pamphlet while traveling abroad? Perhaps you’ve seen them even without leaving the country: ·          Assembly directions with strange phrases or word usage that stilt your reading ·          Manuals that seems to be missing a well-placed “the” or “a” ·          Documents with inappropriately placed “quotation” marks Your once-smooth reading pace suddenly becomes halted, and you pause on the sentence. Why did they capitalize that word? In the global world we live in today, translation and localization are necessary for businesses everywhere. Thousands of companies are communicating with hundreds of countries every day. New products are accompanied by pages of technical documentation, and tr...